Friday, January 04, 2008

Wedding Diet

Are You at Risk of Overweight on your wedding?, why you should diet for your wedding......
Overweight is a risk factor for many diseases. It can possibly affect you with heart disease, stroke arthritis, sleep disturbances, kidney disease, blindness diabetes, gallbladder, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancers. Obesity increases your chances of getting into trouble.

10 tips to help you lose weight for your wedding

Overweight can put you with the risk of asthma, menstrual irregularities, premature death, increased surgical risk, difficulty in pregnancy, psychological disorders such as depression and osteoarthritis.
Overweight is due to many causes including of wrong eating habits, lack of exercise, physiological, genetic, environmental, social, behavioral and cultural factors. You need to maintain your height and weight chart with your exercise and diet to keep your weight under your control.
Do you have the risk of getting heart disease?

You are more likely to develop high blood pressure, angina - heart disease high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides if you are overweight. But a small decrease in your weight, levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides can relieve you from many risk factors.
Overweight can increase the risk of getting gallstones. Your risk increases as your weight increases. Rapid weight loss can also increase your risk of developing gallstones. So a Moderate weight loss is recommended.
Cancer is also associated with overweight. Overweight men and women are at greater risk for developing cancer affecting the uterus, cervix, prostate, rectum, ovary, gallbladder and colon.
Gout is caused by high uric acid in blood. It is also a joint disease. Uric acid forms into crystal masses and gets deposited in the joints. Overweight people have the risk of developing Gout disorder due to higher body weights.

Overweight people are having more chances to develop diabetes than who are not overweight. Type 2 diabetes will reduce your control on blood sugar.
Can overweight cause snoring?
Overweight people also get snoring trouble. You need more oxezen to fulfill the needs of your body. So, you make fast breath. If your muscles do not allow you for free flow of breath or if there is any construction in your glottis, you might experience snoring. The primary measure you should take care is to reduce your weight. By reducing your weight, your breath becomes slow and it can positively reduce your snoring. You can also enjoy happy sleep allowing others to sleep at ease at your home. Overweight persons also found suffering with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing for short periods. Sleep apnea risk can increase if you are having overweight.
Will obesity affect your knee joint?

Overweight can cause joint pains and arthritis. Your legs have to bear your entire body weight. If your leg joints are weak, you will suffer. Especially, knee joint is an important in your leg which is often get affected with overweight persons. Overweight places extra pressure on the joints and wear away the cartilages in your joints. Weight loss can decrease the joint problems of your knees and lower back. You will also get improved from the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
What are the causes for child obesity?
Child obesity is a major problem today. It is an increasing risk factor with many children in United States. Children with highly emotional temperaments, children who slept less during the day (later became overweight), Children who like to eat junk food, snacks or drink a lot of juice can cause them obese.
Do not to give your child snacks items often. If parents are having overweight, there are chances of becoming their children overweight too. Let them play daily, have good walk with you and ask them to play active games. These kinds of activities will make them prevent from many disorders

Hawaii beach wedding with groom holding the bride with a smile

Aloha Island Weddings
1154 fort Street Mall suite 208
Honolulu Hi 96813
{808} 294 9385

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